Global Outlook

Curated expert opinion on intractable contemporary issues

The Return of the Taliban Heightens India's Security Concerns

By Shyam Saran  |  29 September, 2021

The revival of a Taliban government in Kabul is a setback for India. The significant political, economic and security equities it had built up in Afghanistan over the past two decades have been wiped out. This includes the more than US$ 3 billion India invested in the country in the shape of several important infrastructure projects, the construction of the country’s parliament building and in the promotion of health and education. India’s contribution to the capacity building of Afghan security forces was substantial.

The Afghan Paradox : China, India and the Future of Eurasia after the Fall of Kabul

By Jorge Heine  |  27 September, 2021

One joke making the rounds in Kabul’s diplomatic circles these days is that the power transition in Kabul from the Ghani government to that of the Taliban was smoother than the one that took place in Washington D.C. earlier this year. That may be a (slight) exaggeration, but there is little doubt that the swiftness with which the Taliban entered the Afghan capital caught most observers by surprise.

AUKUS Nuclear-Powered Submarine Deal – Non-proliferation Aspects

By John Carlson  |  26 September, 2021

The following is a brief overview of the nuclear non-proliferation and safeguards aspects of the proposal for Australia to build and operate nuclear-powered submarines.

German Politics in the Post-Merkel Era

By Herbert Wulf  |  24 September, 2021

The German Parliament will be elected on 26 September 2021 after its four-year legislature. The biggest change will be that the new government will definitely be formed without Chancellor Merkel who has held this position for nearly 16 years. No wonder many speculate about politics “beyond-Merkelism”

Nuclear Submarines: Mitigating the Proliferation Impacts

By John Tilemann  |  22 September, 2021

The announcements of Australia’s decision to acquire nuclear-powered submarines have rightly underlined that the project is about the acquisition of a power source and not nuclear weapons and that Australia remains committed to the highest standards for safeguards to ensure non-proliferation, safety and security of nuclear material and technology.

Back to the Future with the Taliban?

By Amin Saikal  |  20 September, 2021

The defeat of the United States and its allies and return to power of the Taliban in Afghanistan have changed the regional landscape. The configuration of forces has shifted in favour of Pakistan as the Taliban’s patron and China as a strategic partner of Pakistan, confronting India, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Central Asian Republics and the main power behind them, Russia, with certain policy quandaries. Yet not all is lost, as both Islamabad and Beijing may find that Afghanistan is a very difficult country to govern and sustain.

The views and opinions expressed in Global Outlook are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Toda Peace Institute.