Publications and Resources
Toda has published numerous Policy Briefs and Reports, as well as books and journals, over the last twenty years. See below for the publications in each thematic area.
See the full list of Policy Briefs and Reports or view Policy Briefs and Reports by Research Theme:
Cooperative Security, Arms Control and Disarmament
When Is Enough, Enough? The Security Dilemma in Europe
Report No.209 - February, 2025 • By Herbert Wulf
This report examines six key parameters that can be used for a realistic comparison of military capabilities between NATO countries and Russia: military spending, major weapons systems, troop strength, military operational capabilities, arms production and nuclear weapons. This assessment, based on reliable sources of the present military capabilities of Russia and NATO, describes the status quo. Thus, it is a static comparison that can change due to the dynamic rearmament processes on both sides. While this can only be a snapshot, it reflects the current military balance of power. The report concludes that NATO's relative strength and general conventional military superiority could be an entry point to prevent or stop the present new arms race in Europe and possibly even to resume the arms control agenda that lies in shambles. To make progress in this area, three levels should be envisaged: strategic nuclear weapons, intermediate-range nuclear weapons in Europe and conventional power relations in Europe.
Climate Change, International Migration and Self-Determination: Lessons from Tuvalu
Policy Brief No.208 - January, 2025 • By Carol Farbotko
This policy brief specifically examines two international migration pathways for Tuvaluans: one forthcoming and one proposed, for how well they align with Tuvalu’s goal of ensuring Tuvaluan self-determination and sovereignty in-situ. Climate change poses a habitability risk to Tuvalu associated with sea-level rise, A forthcoming migration pathway, between Tuvalu and Australia under the new Tuvalu-Australia Falepili Union Treaty is partially in harmony with Tuvaluan sovereignty. The second, the suggestion by Rising Nations Initiative to relocate the entire national population of Tuvalu does not harmonise well with the goal of maintaining Tuvaluan sovereignty in place. By way of conclusion, the paper will put forward a recommendation for international partners to focus on helping climate vulnerable communities manage their habitability risk, rather than prioritise movement away in contravention of sovereignty and self-determined visions of a communities’ own future.
Contemporary Peace Research and Practice
Winning Coexistence: Six New Nonviolent Tactics for Palestine and Israel
Report No.207 - January, 2025 • By Lisa Schirch
This report asserts that the crisis in Gaza requires building new coalitions and alliances between global protests in support of Palestinian liberation and mass protests by Israelis against their rogue leaders, who ignore international law and align with antisemites in Western countries. Activists around the world rightly celebrate that, at long last, Israel and Hamas announced a ceasefire. But more work is necessary to achieve a political settlement that could prevent the mass annexation of Palestinian land, address the dire humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and prevent further violence. This paper offers six tactics to shift power away from extremists and overcome barriers to forming coalitions that build on shared goals for safety, dignity, and justice.
The US in 2024: An Election That Worked and a Democracy That Doesn't
Policy Brief No.206 - December, 2024 • By Heidi and Guy Burgess
This policy brief examines the divisive, hyper-polarized, us-or-them way politics is viewed in the United States. One test of a democracy is whether or not the voters get to choose their leaders. While, at this most basic level, the 2024 US presidential election was a success, it's easy to understand why both sides view contemporary politics as a battle that they absolutely, positively, must win. The only way out of this highly destructive confrontation is some kind of compromise that, more than elections, is the cornerstone of the democratic ideal. This policy brief concludes with three principles upon which such a compromise could be built.
Cooperative Security, Arms Control and Disarmament
Assad Flees Damascus for Moscow: Musings on Be Careful What You Wish For
Report No.205 - December, 2024 • By Ramesh Thakur
This report examines the fall of the House of Assad—a regime built on terror, ruled by fear and sustained by foreign and proxy forces—which can be traced back to Hamas’s attacks on southern Israel more than a year ago. Except that instead of a Free Palestine, a Free Syria has come into being. It raises the puzzle: how does one impress upon nationalistically inflamed consciousness the enormous disparity between the goals sought, the means used and the results obtained? The second part of the article references the same discrepancy of goals, means and outcomes as a note of caution against the first instinct to euphoria over the downfall of the much-hated Assads. The third and fourth sections look at the implications for regional and global actors with significant footprints in Syria.
Books (1996-2017)
Toda Peace Institute's Publications: Complimentary copies of our publications are available where noted.
Journals (1996-2017)
Peace & Policy: Since 1996, Peace & Policy has become a significant journal of opinion on global peace and policy issues.