Curated expert opinion on intractable contemporary issues
Global Outlook Articles by Robert Mizo
Robert Mizo is an Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Delhi, India. He holds a PhD in Climate Policy studies. His research interests include Climate Change and Security, Climate Politics, Environmental Security, and International Environmental Politics. He has published and presented on the above topics at both national and international platforms. Robert has recently been a Japan Foundation Indo-Pacific Partnership (JFIPP) Research Fellow based at the Toda Peace Institute, Tokyo.
The Quad’s Deepening Maritime Cooperation
By Robert Mizo | 09 October, 2024
The Quad’s collective deepening of engagement in the maritime domain continues to be ensconced within the larger goal of a free and open Indo-Pacific and rules-based international order.
India’s Climate Calamities
By Robert Mizo | 07 August, 2024
The devastating calamities India has faced over the past few months certainly seem to suggest that climate change is already manifesting and has come to alter, if not tear asunder, human lives.
Climate Change: The Missing Agenda in India’s Recent Elections
By Robert Mizo | 14 June, 2024
The recently concluded general election in India was shrouded in irony. The six-week long voting period coincided with one of the worst heat waves yet recorded, but there was hardly any discussion of climate change or environment-related issues in the public political discourse.
The Quad, Maritime Security, and Climate Change
By Robert Mizo | 15 May, 2024
The Quad has an opportunity (and a need) to revamp itself as a bigger, more durable platform by engaging with diverse concerns of the region, including non-traditional ones, particularly climate change.
Leaky Roof: Melting Himalayas in the ‘Asian Century’
By Robert Mizo | 15 March, 2024
The roof of the world is leaking; melting to be more precise. The fragile Himalayan ecosphere is facing an imminent threat from warming temperatures induced by climate change. This will not only have ecological consequences but will alter, if not destroy, the lives of millions living downstream across political boundaries and cultures.
Riding the Heatwave: India’s Sweltering Exposure to Climate Change
By Robert Mizo | 13 July, 2023
The end of June brought monsoon rains to North India as it always does. The rains were a welcome respite from the scorching heat the region reeled under since March. The heat waves that swept through North India in 2023 attest to the fact that India is witnessing and enduring the impacts of climate change.
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