Honorary Senior Research Fellow
Volker Boege
- Climate Change and Conflict
Dr. Volker Boege is a former Senior Research Fellow for Climate Change and Conflict at Toda Peace Institute. Dr. Boege has worked extensively in the areas of peacebuilding and resilience in the Pacific region. His focus was on the themes of hybrid political orders and state formation, non-Western (‘traditional’ or ‘customary’) approaches to conflict transformation, and environmental degradation and conflict. His current work addresses climate change, conflict and peace in the Pacific, including a research project on ‘climate change, land, migration, identity and conflict’. Dr Boege is also Honorary Research Fellow at the School of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Queensland. In the past he has been, among other things, research fellow at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg, research fellow at the Unit for the Study of Wars, Armaments and Development of the University of Hamburg where he conducted research projects on environment and conflict (in the framework of the international Environment and Conflict Project (ENCOP)), lecturer at the Institute for Development and Peace of the University of Duisburg, and research fellow at the peace research institute BICC (Bonn International Centre for Conversion). In 2005 he moved to Australia and worked with the Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (ACPACS) at the University of Queensland. He has also been a Research Officer with the parliamentary group of the Green Party in the German Parliament (Bundestag) as a peace and security policy advisor in the 1980s.
Ph.D. in Political Science, University of Hamburg, Germany.