News & Announcements

[SHARE] Disarming the unarmed: Current reality of nuclear ban treaty

Nov 2020 - News

Click here to read the article. While the 50th ratification of the Ban treaty is a landmark event, alas, the ultimate objective the treaty, a nuclear weapons free world stays out of reach. Where did the treaty go wrong? And what can be the small steps that strip the nuclear weapons of its salience to get the nations to nuclear elimination. Read more... [Quotation]

[SHARE] Recent interview given by Dr. Chung-in Moon

Oct 2020 - News

Click here to read the article. Dr Chung-in Moon, special foreign affairs advisor to the South Korean President and a member of the newly established Toda International Research Advisory Council, was interviewed by the BBC's The Real Story podcast, for an episode entitled "How dangerous is North Korea?" As the country marks the 75th anniversary of the Workers' Party, is there any hope for engagement with the rest of the world - or are we seeing a return to past behaviour? Read more... [Quotation]

Digital Peace Factory

Oct 2020 - News

The Toda Peace Institute is hosting a contest to generate peace memes, GIFs and short videos that inspire Americans to respect the basic human dignity of all people in conversations about politics on social media during October and November 2020. The contest invites Americans to generate fun, inspiring content to help people listen to each other, to find common ground, to ask questions of others, and to encourage mindful, calm conversations in these anxious times. This nonpartisan contest will take place the month before and after election day in the US. The Digital Peace Factory US contest is running on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. Our YouTube channel is here, and includes a 3 minute video explaining the contest. For questions, email The contest is organized by Lisa Schirch, Senior Research Fellow at the Toda Peace Institute. Co-Sponsors of the contest include: NewGen Peacebuilders Search for Common Ground Build Up Center for Justice and Peacebuilding and Summer Peacebuilding Institute at EMU +Peace

[SHARE] "Palestine: A Turning Point?" online forum

Oct 2020 - News

Click here to read the article. An online forum with one of Asia's leading public intellectuals, Dr Chandra Muzaffar, will address questions of a Just Peace in the Middle East and how people of the West can play a constructive role. The forum is on Sunday 18 October (2pm Australian time). Dr Muzaffar is the President of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST), an NGO based in Malaysia which seeks to critique global injustice and develop an alternative vision of a just and compassionate civilisation guided by universal values. See the link for details of how to register. Read more... [Quotation]

Toda Director addresses Rotary Club of London

Oct 2020 - News

Toda Director Professor Kevin Clements addressed the Rotary Club of London on 21 September, on the International Day of Peace. As part of a panel of speakers, Professor Clements' message addressed our shared human vulnerabilities, and our shared needs for security, dignity and welfare. Appreciative listening and silence encourage awareness and the ability to hear other's stories. By being positive, we reshape peace together, one step at a time. To watch this talk, please see the link below (28'14" - 40'12").