Important new article on impact of TPNW
May 2024 - News
A new article by Toda Peace institute author Professor Tom Sauer, The Impact of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: The Crucial Role of the European NATO Allies can be accessed in Peace Review. The abstract is reproduced below: This article makes the argument that the role of the European NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) allies, and especially the non-nuclear weapon states (NNWS) under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), may and should play a key role in the future of nuclear disarmament. Once the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) is signed and ratified by more or less 100 NNWS, mostly from the Global South, it will be up to the allied NNWS to make up their mind about their role vis-à-vis nuclear disarmament. Will they continue to behave as protégés by (and in some way also protectors of) the nuclear-armed states and break the disarmament process further, or will they shake off the nuclear “protection” in the interest of making progress toward a world without nuclear weapons? This article zooms in on the European NATO allies in particular. The TPNW can and will be used to put pressure on the European NATO allies to switch sides, and it can, on its turn, be used by the European NATO allies to stigmatize the nuclear-armed states in order to make progress in the direction of nuclear elimination. The article starts by reviewing the origins and objectives of the TPNW. In the next section, its impact will be scrutinized. We then turn to the current and possible future role of the European NATO allies.
International Science Prize offered for second year
May 2024 - News
The Hans Günter Brauch Foundation (HGBS) for Peace and Ecology in the Anthropocene awards annually an international science prize (ISP). The theme for its ISP 2024 is: Ecocide: Impacts of Wars and/or Climate Change on Food Security Since 1945. The prize is open to scholars with a PhD from all disciplines and countries for an original, innovative and substantial research contribution and offers a prize of 3000 Euro. Any scholar may apply or be nominated until 31 May 2024 by submitting an original single-authored text in English that was published as a book or is an unpublished manuscript (e.g. a PhD, advanced PhD or habilitation) that was approved since 2020. In 2023, the first award was made to Dr Tobias Ide. For further details, please refer to the full press release which can be found here.
Webinar: Implementing the New Agenda for Peace
Apr 2024 - News
Toda Peace Institute Director, Kevin Clements, will be a speaker at a webinar hosted by the Flemish Peace Institute to mark the International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace on Wednesday 24 April. The topic of the webinar is Implementing the New Agenda for Peace: Exploring Inventive Approaches. Other speakers include Laura Pistarini from Patrir, and Nils Duquet and Merel Selleslach from the Flemish Peace Institute. For more information and to register, please visit the Flemish Peace Institute website here. The webinar will run from 9:30 - 10:30 CEST.
The role of traditional knowledge in a changing climate
Apr 2024 - News
"In the Pacific, our relationship with nature is a natural one. Nature is us, we are nature," writes Philip Malsale, senior climatologist for SPREP in Vanuatu. "I believe that if our leaders want to manoeuvre our course through the changing climate, Governments need to start re-adjusting how they do business at the national, provincial, district and village level to ensure that traditional knowledge is not lost." Read more at Radio New Zealand International Pacific News. Image:
Tuvalu's new leader Feleti Teo opens up about issues his nation faces
Mar 2024 - News
The existential threat posed by climate change remains the biggest concern for the new Tuvalu administration. The government is also about to launch a drive to better inform the people about the contents of a treaty with Australia and its leader is firm that the country is not getting into bed with Beijing. These are some of the matters discussed in an expansive interview RNZ Pacific's Don Wiseman had with the newly elected Prime Minister Feleti Teo. Read more at Radio New Zealand International Pacific News Image: mtcurado/