Global Outlook

Curated expert opinion on intractable contemporary issues

About Football-, Pandemic-, Kremlin- and Military Experts

By Herbert Wulf  |  03 May, 2022

A glance at the analyses and conclusions of just about any major newspaper or news website will confirm: the self-proclaimed military experts are in charge, ready to explain to us what "heavy weapons", "no-fly zones", "anti-aircraft guns", "flagships" etc. are. Any why not? They’ve been dealing with the matter for quite some time now, a whole two months since February 24, 2022.

IPCC Mitigation Report, 2022: What it Implies for Developing Countries

By Robert Mizo  |  01 May, 2022

There is no doubt that climate change needs to be addressed by all countries in a concerted manner. The fact remains, however, that there is a wide variance among countries both in terms of capacity to address and culpability for the problem. Developing and least developed countries are likely to suffer disproportionately the effects of climate change.

Ukraine Proves UN Cannot Singlehandedly Usher in a Nuclear-Weapons-Free World

By Thalif Deen  |  28 April, 2022

The crisis in Ukraine has also revealed the UN's limitations in the "maintenance of international peace and security” as spelled out in the UN charter.

Grave Concern for Environmental and Climate Damage Caused by Russian Invasion of Ukraine

By Kazuo Matsushita  |  22 April, 2022

War is the worst destruction of the environment and human rights. Russia's invasion of Ukraine is truly a humanitarian crisis. In addition, the war has caused extensive damage to the environment, the effects of which are feared to be long-lasting. Even if the war were to end, the environmental devastation and pollution will make reconstruction difficult.

Russian and US Parallel Pathways to a Nuclear Conflict

By Ramesh Thakur  |  07 April, 2022

In the 2020 election, President Donald Trump’s supporters looked beyond manifest character flaws to domestic and foreign policy results but opponents couldn’t overlook his character to assess any policy achievements. Joe Biden became president as much because Americans voted against Trump as for Biden The buyers’ remorse evident in opinion polls suggests that perhaps voters should have been careful what they wished for.

Double Standards

By Herbert Wulf  |  05 April, 2022

At present, historical analogies are very often used to explain reasons for or against the causes of the war in Ukraine or to describe the horrors of this war with historical arguments. Some of these comparisons are downright perfidious, while others are far-fetched or out of place. Historical analogies can provide a framework for orientation. But if arguments are made with historical, moral statements, then they should be applied consistently.

The views and opinions expressed in Global Outlook are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Toda Peace Institute.