Policy Briefs Books Journals

Policy Briefs

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Latest Policy Briefs and Reports

Great Power Competition, Stillborn Democracies and the Rise of Neo-Authoritarians: The Case of India

Policy Brief  No.167 - August, 2023 • By Debasish Roy Chowdhury

This Policy Brief considers the case of India, which is instructive in understanding how a state-oriented world organisation can fuel geopolitical competition, impede the goal of achieving substantive democracy, and facilitate the rise of neo-authoritarians. Over the course of the last century, important voices from around the world warned of the destructive potential of nationalism and the way nation states were being constituted. They contemplated a wholly different way of organising the world system. The prescience of their concerns is painfully evident today as we witness the world hurtling down the path of illiberalism, climate calamity, and endless wars, with global bodies seemingly helpless in moderating the capitalist imperative of growth, the rise of populist demagogues, or ruinous interstate competition.

Climate Change and Conflict

Climate Change and Health: A Security Challenge in the Pacific Islands

Policy Brief  No.166 - August, 2023 • By John Connell

This Policy Brief discusses, and provides an overview of, the impacts of climate change on health in the Pacific Island countries (PICs). Physical and mental health in PICs is particularly vulnerable to climate change, both directly, as an outcome of temperature increases and hazards, and indirectly, through increased threats to livelihoods. The health impacts of climate change constitute a slowly increasing threat to human security, but policies and practices centred on workforce development may minimise such threats and risks. The Policy Brief concludes with suggestions and recommendations for policy directions.

Climate Change and Conflict

Barriers and Limits to Climate Security in the Pacific

Policy Brief  No.164 - July, 2023 • By Timothy Bryar

This policy brief seeks to examine the key barriers and limits preventing the Pacific from achieving its climate security goals through adaptation and what options might exist for the Pacific to overcome such constraints. Climate change remains the single greatest security threat to the Pacific Islands region. With emissions gaps persisting and agreements on mitigation efforts remaining contested, enabling opportunities for adaptation is now more crucial than ever for Pacific Island countries to meet their climate security ambitions.