Policy Briefs Books Journals

Policy Briefs

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Latest Policy Briefs and Reports

Contemporary Peace Research and Practice

Israel and Gaza: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Policy Brief  No.182 - January, 2024 • By Ramesh Thakur

This Policy Brief looks at the events of and since 7 October 2023 ‘in context’. The paper agrees with the Israeli claim that the destruction of the military threat posed by Hamas and the dismantling of the Hamas political structures are a necessary condition for re-establishing some sort of a peace in the Israel-Palestine conflict. However, it argues that to move beyond yet another armed truce until the next incident that provokes yet another even more brutal round of fighting is unacceptable. Israelis too must rein in the ideological extremists in their midst who dehumanise and ‘Other’ all Palestinians. They must dismantle some settlements in occupied territory, and engage in good faith negotiations that will entail some painful sacrifices in order to create a substantial stake for Palestinians in preserving their own state rather than aiming to destroy the state of Israel.

Climate Change and Conflict

How Should States Manage Climate Mobilities And Planned Relocations? Early Lessons From Fiji And Vanuatu

Policy Brief  No.178 - November, 2023 • By Liam Moore

This Policy Brief addresses questions of how to manage situations of climate mobilities, both within and between respective states. Firstly, it looks at the guidance that exists in international law and principles and how this could apply to instances of climate mobilities. Secondly, it unpacks two examples of climate mobilities policies, in Fiji and Vanuatu, specifically the constitutive elements of the policies and what they say about their development. Finally, it draws out three lessons that can be learnt from these policies and attempts at their implementation: there must be adequate funding available, mobilities solutions must be community-led and these solutions must be forward-looking and pre-emptive.