Policy Briefs Books Journals

Policy Briefs

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Latest Policy Briefs and Reports

Climate Change and Conflict

How Should States Manage Climate Mobilities And Planned Relocations? Early Lessons From Fiji And Vanuatu

Policy Brief  No.178 - November, 2023 • By Liam Moore

This Policy Brief addresses questions of how to manage situations of climate mobilities, both within and between respective states. Firstly, it looks at the guidance that exists in international law and principles and how this could apply to instances of climate mobilities. Secondly, it unpacks two examples of climate mobilities policies, in Fiji and Vanuatu, specifically the constitutive elements of the policies and what they say about their development. Finally, it draws out three lessons that can be learnt from these policies and attempts at their implementation: there must be adequate funding available, mobilities solutions must be community-led and these solutions must be forward-looking and pre-emptive.

Climate Change and Conflict

Climate Change and (Im)Mobility: Implication for PICTs at Home

Policy Brief  No.177 - November, 2023 • By John R. Campbell

This Policy Brief, the fourth of a series on matters related to climate change (im)mobility, addresses the prospective domestic consequences for Pacific Island Countries and Territories from which international climate change emigrants may depart. It outlines how emigration has affected PICTs not only in general socio-economic terms but also in terms of exposure and vulnerability to climate change effects and capacity to adapt to them. It will also consider the likely futures of those PICTs with high levels of (forced?) immobility. The Policy Brief concludes with a consideration of the key issues identified in this four-part series.

Contemporary Peace Research and Practice

A 5-Point Peace Plan - Palestine and Israel

Policy Brief  No.176 - November, 2023 • By Lisa Schirch

This Policy Brief expands the narratives of what is necessary at this moment in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, when too many simply say “there is no other way” or “ceasefire” which both leave many questions unanswered.  A just political solution is essential. This 5-point peace plan identifies a range of strategic principles and bridgebuilding processes to protect the safety and ensure the democratic freedoms of both Israelis and Palestinians. It emphasises the shared humanity and traumas of both Palestinians and Jewish Israelis. A sustainable peace will require that journalists and political leaders use their power to focus on protecting civilians, dismantling Hamas, ending occupation, addressing trauma, and investing in democracy.