Curated expert opinion on intractable contemporary issues

Global Outlook: Climate Change and Conflict

Pacific Islanders Have Long Drawn Wisdom From the Earth, the Sky and the Waves

By Patrick Nunn and Roselyn Kumar  |  19 March, 2024

Much traditional knowledge in the Pacific for coping with climate change is scientifically plausible. This indicates such knowledge should play a significant role in sustaining Pacific Island communities in future.

Leaky Roof: Melting Himalayas in the ‘Asian Century’

By Robert Mizo  |  15 March, 2024

The roof of the world is leaking; melting to be more precise. The fragile Himalayan ecosphere is facing an imminent threat from warming temperatures induced by climate change. This will not only have ecological consequences but will alter, if not destroy, the lives of millions living downstream across political boundaries and cultures.

One of NZ’s Most Contentious Climate Cases is Moving Forward. And the World is Watching

By Vernon Rive  |  14 February, 2024

The Supreme Court of New Zealand has delivered a landmark decision on a case against a group of New Zealand’s largest corporate greenhouse gas (GHG) emitters.

‘We Don’t Know What Tomorrow Will Bring’: How Climate Change is Affecting Fijians’ Mental Health

By Amy Lykins and Suzanne Cosh  |  11 January, 2024

The consequences of climate change also pose significant risks to the mental health and wellbeing of the people living in the most affected countries, says a recent study with rural Fijians.

COP28 – Massive Disappointments, Slight Glimmers of Hope

By Volker Boege  |  03 January, 2024

While many expectations were not met at COP28 and Pacific delegates expressed deep disappointment, there were minor bright spots.

COP28 Offers Too Little of an “Oasis" for AOSIS in a Desert of Climate Justice

By James Bhagwan  |  20 December, 2023

What does the “Dubai Consensus” actually mean for Pacific Small Island Developing States and the communities that they represent?

The views and opinions expressed in Global Outlook are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Toda Peace Institute.