Cooperative Security, Arms Control and Disarmament Report No.209 - February, 2025 • By Herbert Wulf
When Is Enough, Enough? The Security Dilemma in Europe

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This report examines six key parameters that can be used for a realistic comparison of military capabilities between NATO countries and Russia: military spending, major weapons systems, troop strength, military operational capabilities, arms production and nuclear weapons. This assessment, based on reliable sources of the present military capabilities of Russia and NATO, describes the status quo. Thus, it is a static comparison that can change due to the dynamic rearmament processes on both sides. While this can only be a snapshot, it reflects the current military balance of power. The report concludes that NATO's relative strength and general conventional military superiority could be an entry point to prevent or stop the present new arms race in Europe and possibly even to resume the arms control agenda that lies in shambles. To make progress in this area, three levels should be envisaged: strategic nuclear weapons, intermediate-range nuclear weapons in Europe and conventional power relations in Europe.