Climate Change and Conflict Policy Brief No.123 - February, 2022 • By Volker Boege
Policy Brief No.123:Ontological Security, the Spatial Turn and Pacific Relationality:
A Framework for Understanding Climate Change, Human Mobility and Conflict/Peace in the Pacific (Part I)

In Part I of this two-part study, the concept of ontological security is presented and linked to the spatial turn in peace and conflict studies. The spatial turn and the concept of ontological security allow the framing of issues of peace, conflict and security as fundamentally em-placed, as inextricably connected to place/space/scale, offering a promising entry point to the understanding of the challenges to peace and security which come with climate change-induced human mobility. However, both ontological security and the spatial turn are fundamentally Western academic concepts; therefore, it is argued that it is necessary to combine these concepts with the genuinely Pacific approach of relationality if they are to be made useful for the understanding of the climate change – mobility – peace/conflict nexus in a Pacific socio-cultural context.