Archive News & Announcements - 2019

[SHARE] Australia passes social media law penalising platforms for violent content

Apr 2019 - News

Click here to read the article. The Australian parliament has passed legislation to crack down on violent videos on social media, despite furious reaction from the tech industry, media companies and legal experts... Read more... [Quotation]

[SHARE] Building Pacific Resilience To Climate Change Across 15 Countries

Apr 2019 - News

Click here to read the article. A EUR 12 million project spanning 15 countries will help to build Pacific island resilience to the threat of climate change... Read more... [Quotation]

[SHARE] Pacific Resource for Climate Change and Disaster Risk Finance Launched

Mar 2019 - News

Click here to read the article. A practical resource for countries dealing with the escalating impacts of climate change and disasters from natural hazard risks has been launched by the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS)... Read more... [Quotation]

[SHARE] The evolving climate-security agenda: key political events on the horizon

Mar 2019 - News

Click here to read the article. Following the presentation of a ‘roadmap to the UN Climate Summit’ by General Assembly President Maria Espinosa, we present an outline of key dates and events for the climate-security nexus, in what has the potential to be a ‘tipping point’ year for the agenda... Read more... [Quotation]

[SHARE] Iraq: Draconian cybercrimes law threatens freedom of expression

Mar 2019 - News

Click here to read the article. A new cybercrimes law that would impose heavy prison sentences and hefty fines against peaceful critics who express themselves online would be a devastating setback for freedom of expression in Iraq, Amnesty International said today... Read more... [Quotation]