Climate Change and Conflict

Workshop: Climate Loss, Conflict and Peace: Relational Responses to Existential Crisis

September 16 - 18, 2024

Hamburg, Germany

Climate Loss, Conflict and Peace:

Relational Responses to Existential Crisis

Hamburg: 16-18 September 2024

This international workshop will explore how relational responses play out in various thematic areas of significance for the climate/conflict/peace nexus, with a particular focus on the issue of loss.  While questions of loss and damage have increasingly drawn attention in international climate discourses, interpretations of what is meant by climate loss, however, diverge.  

The workshop builds on previous workshops organised by the Toda Peace Institute and local partners in Auckland in 2018, Tokyo 2019, Suva/online 2020, Wellington 2022, and Canberra 2023.  It will run for two and a half days (16 to 18 September) in Hamburg and will be attended in-person by around 25–30 people from the Pacific, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Scandinavia and Germany, with a few others joining online.

The workshop is co-organised by the Toda Peace Institute and the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH), in collaboration with the Hamburg Cluster of Excellence “Climate, Climatic Change, and Society” (CLICCS) and the Research Group Climate Change and Security (CLISEC) at Universität Hamburg.


Download the Conference Pack here.


Image: 13_Phunkod/